Spendenaktion Frauen in Namibia
Frieda Kemuniko Geiseb und die Organisation BET-OSYAN haben mit Unterstützung unserer Partnerorganisation Pallium e.V. eine Initiative ins Leben gerufen, die es zum Ziel hat die Rolle der Frau speziell in den ländlicheren Regionen Namibias zu stärken.
Um dies zu unterstützen, rufen wir zu einer Spendenaktion auf. Gebt bei eurer Überweisung einfach den Verwendungszweck BET-OSYAN oder Frauen in Namibia an und euer Geld geht der Initiative der Organisation zugute.
Weitere Informationen zur Organisation und zum Vorhaben findet Ihr hier im Wortlaut:
„BET-OSYAN (Basic Education and Teaching out of School Youths and Adults) has been an non-profit organization since 2005 with the aim of educating and support vulnerable children, orphans, out of school youths and empowering adults and elderly people in the society.
The Havana Soup Kitchen was then formed in 2010 under BET-OSYAN, which provides meals for vulnerable children twice a day while educating them (preparing them for school) and building their self-confidence. The soup kitchen also identifies the needy members in Havana informal settlement including elderly people 60+ years organizes educational workshop, distribute food and also helps with shelter/homes.
We are excited to inform you that BET-OSYAN opened another department named CROWN HER it’s aim is to empower woman in female leaders in informal settlements and rural areas across Namibia, self-discovery development, changing mindsets/attitude, talents discovery development and living largely from their talents by starting small scale businesses.
BET-OSYAN is actively trying to create solutions and solve problems that our community is facing but our efforts won’t reach its maximum without a backing of the entire community.
We are looking forward to host the following this year 2020:
- Woman Seminar in July 2020 – The aim to discover the woman’s existence, importance in the society, their talents, developing these talents and living by them.
- Woman Seminar in October 2020 – see above
- Woman Workshops in August 2020 – The importance of owning a backyard garden as well as how to take good care of plants, embroidery work lessons and empowering woman to be independent and self-sustaining.
- Havana Soup Kitchen kids tour in November 2020 – Out-door social event for the Havana soup Kitchen’s kids.
- Elderly people in December 2020 – To educate elderly people on the importance of good hygiene, balanced diet, hat making and weaving and weaving classes to keep them active during the day.
We would appreciate it if you could donate any amount or any kind of donations to make these events a success.“